Xmas Gravy

Well i say Christmas but i make this all year round and have pots of it frozen, I love gravy  and if i could i would have a lake of it on my plate while i eat my dinner.  This is actually a Jamie Oliver recipe and i love it its so tasty and because i freeze it, its great to bring out when needed to go with a bit of pie and mash. Its so simple and make the house smell great to, Mmm heaven!

Easy peasy cut an onion, a few carrots and a few stick of celery roughly, add a pack of streaky bacon cut up and a pack of chicken wings, a few bay leaves, Star Anise and sprigs of Rosemary.  good glug of oil and salt and pepper and roast for an hour.

Put on top of your oven and use a potato masher to break all the wings up and mash all the vegetables up till you have a big mashed up mess in your pan.  Sprinkle flour all over the chicken and mash this in to those meat juices as this will help thicken your gravy.

Add water and turn up the heat to bring to boil then turn down to a simmer and just leave it happily bubbling  away for an hour or so just make sure you give it a mash from time to time, i tend to leave the masher standing up in the pan for Ali to give it a mash as he goes by it.

Finally strain your mashed up meat and vegetables and pour your gravy into pots and put in the freezer for when you need them for some dinner.  Just add a pot of this lovely pre made gravy to your turkey juices, one less job to think about for Christmas day.


  1. i made this a few years ago and it did make a wonderful gravy x

  2. i could just drink this and forgo the rest of the dinner
