Blackberry liqueur

Today i fancied making some Christmas tipples, inspired after watching super scrimpers i choose two of the drinks to make to find out how they tasted and how cheap they could actually be.

Only four ingredients make this great !
Blackberrys 2 packs for £3 
Vodka £5.49 for the bottle but i only used 1/2 a bottle so lets say £2.75
8oz caster sugar 50p
£6.27 for 70 cl of Blackberry liqueur

First i microwaved the blackberry's for 3 mins which broke down the blackberry's and made them start bleeding their juices. I then added the sugar and gave them a good mash up and returned to the microwave for 4 mins till it got to boiling point.
This made a lovely thick blackberry syrup and i gave it another mash up to squash all the juices from the fruit. After this i let it cool down and then passed it through the sieve to remove the pith.
 Now that the liqueur is cool i added 1/2 a pint of water and half a bottle of vodka.  The longer the liqueur is left apparently the stronger it gets as the vodka will turn the sugar and water added into alcohol.

I couldn't wait and had to taste it and the first immediate taste was that it did need to sit for a bit as i could taste the sugar, but the base flavours were deep and rich and wintery im looking forward to it doing its thing and re trying it a bit later on.

If this is nice i might make this in the Autumn and let it sit until Christmas and see what the taste difference will be from a few months of stooping.    But 70cl of Blackberry Liqueur for £6.27 is not to bad and i could shave an extra £3 off that price from picking my own blackberries next year.

After a two weeks I tried this drink and it was very sweet and I have now tried it 5 weeks later and it is still sweet so next time I am thinking of cutting down on the sugar as clearly not all has turned to alcohol.

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  1. I saw this on tv but didn't get the recipe and here it is! Ace. I really fancy having a go - do you think it would work with other fruit? Thinking of strawberry in the summer and raspberry in the autumn too - I have loads of Autumn Bliss variety of raspberry canes on my plot which I could use...

  2. Lol margot your a woman after my own heart yes I was thinking the same and was going to try strawberrys and raspberries too I think however I will cut back on the sugar a bit next time I make this
