How does your garden grow July week 1

July is here and we finally got a little sunshine with promise of more on the way, i cant wait.  So while the rain came down the weeds came up and finally we got the chance to go out and do some weeding, i cleared a patch and found Mr Toad had taken up residence in the garden.  Within minutes Mr Toad was in wild girls hands who loves all things nature.

 Mr Toad does't live in a Hall but in a dirt hole under our fence in the weeds which i rudely ripped out and replaces with flowers.
 Now whats blooming in our garden the Geranium has gone bonkers in the garden and self seeded all over that i could set up my own Geranium nursery.
 The pots are Daisy mad and we have two types the pink ones and the traditional happy white and yellow version bringing joy to our potted garden.

 Now i know we haven't had much of summer as of yet but there are two things in my garden that mean Autumn is on the way, a Clematis i have that has these wonderful yellow lantern blooms that will change into big poofy fluffy things in a few weeks and then there are the nests of spiders in all our box hedges that are trying to take advantage of the warm air to travel around the garden eat the flies and became big massive spiders that make those frosty webs we all see in the Autumn months.  Ar well if we get any sunshine grab the chance to soak up a few rays

This post has also appeared at the following sites 

Mammasaurus - How Does Your Garden Grow?


  1. Pink daisies - cool! I've never seen those before. That lantern clematis is gorgeous, just the sort of place that Kitty would tell me fairies live.
    Mr Toad's a rather handsome chap isn't he - and great that little hands embrace holding him too :)

    Lovely photos that make me happy! Have a lovely rest-of-week-and-weekend and thanks for joining in again x

    1. pleasure as always, i love kitties thoughts on fairies i will have to tell sophie this

  2. Your Daisys are sooo beautiful! XX

  3. Your Daisies are sooo beautiful XXX

  4. Oh those Daisies are just gorgeous Helen. I'm very fond of my purple Geranium too and it has gone grazy this year as well. I might have to get one of those lantern Clematis, it is stunning x

    1. wait till later when i post its next poofy fase its pretty. good thing about the spreading geranium is the weeds cant get through :)

  5. those pink daisies are super pretty. and autumn on the way? summer just began!!

  6. How amazing to actually capture a frog and get a photograph of it. They always hop away when I've seen them. Might be because I'm so noisy :)

    1. We have loads in our garden not a day goes past without finding them and we dont even have a pond

  7. Yippeee! A toad, I absolutely adore frogs and toads. What a lovely photo. That clematis is awesome, I shall have to look for one to plant.

    1. i love clematis there are so many different types and i love it when they ramble and bloom

  8. I love those pink daisies. I wish we had toads or frogs in our garden. Today my step son found the tiniest frog I've ever seen while we working in my mother in law's garden, it could fit on my finger tip it was so small!

    1. oh could be the start of your own adventures of frog hunts

  9. Awww I want a Mr Toad for my garden! :) You really do have a beautiful garden! x

  10. Love the daisies, I smuggled my toad into primary school in my pocket one day until the teacher heard him gree-deeping!!

  11. I love Mr. Toad! We have a few that I am always afraid I'll step on! The pink daisies look fun! I need to look for those. And the geraniums are beautiful! Mine were killed by some of the massive thunderstorms we had the past week, and I about cried.

  12. I love Mr. Toad! We have a few that I am always afraid of stepping on. The pink daisies are fun! I have to find some. The geraniums are beautiful as well. Mine were killed by one or maybe a couple of thunderstorms we had this past week. I almost cried.

    1. same happened here on my geraniums i was lucky to get a picture before the rain got them

  13. Im so in love with those pink daisies!

    1. i have been dead heading them like mad now i have another batch coming through happy days

  14. I nearly didn't open this as I have a real front/toad phobia. But I'm glad I did and saw those lovely pink daisies x

  15. I've never seen pink daisies - how lovely! One of my favourite flowers, so cheerful :) And I love the toad!

  16. Loving the pink daisy, we have loads of white ones around here but never seen pink ones :)

  17. What a lovely post. I love the picture of the toad. I bet your wild one loved it :-)

  18. Think there is going to be a new trend for pink daisies ... going to have to get some myself! Are toads poisonous?!

  19. Lovely flowers and what a cute froggy!
