Sophie's Birthday

 We took Sophie to a theme park for her 4th Birthday, what with Ella being weeks old and sleepless nights and Sophie never visiting a theme park before this all fitted together perfectly, rather than a party where a lot of planning and energy would be needed.

When we arrived at the park we went on all the little rides but Sophie seemed to be looking for something a bit more thrilling, so we choose a bigger ride but still she looking for more thrills and then more bigger rides we then went on the baby roller coasters (which went quit fast) but
 Sophie had got a taste for what the theme park was offering and was looking to the bigger part of the park where the bigger children played and we went to find some rides that she was able to go on we went on so great rides that flung us up in the air, round and round and coasters that speed us round corners and backwards Sophie loved this ride and we went on it 4 times she seems to have inherited our adrenalin chromosone
 The park offered a zoo as well and after lunch we walked round and had fun looking at horny tortoises, sleeping tigers and slithering snakes.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Looks like a great day! Love that S went on the biggest rides of all! :D

  2. Happy Birthday Sophie!! it sounds like a fantastic birthday! and it seem you have an up and coming thrill seeker in the making!

    Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

  3. Oh Helen what cracking pictures, look at her on that huge ride, what a brave little lady you have, I love that shot. Happy Birthday to Sophie,it certainly looks like she had a great day xxx

    On another note - your hubby is like a young version of my Doctor! He is so like him I had to do a double take ha :)

  4. Looks like a perfect birthday party and good on her for wanting to do the exciting rides. My kids all went on an epic fairground ride in France last week, it was all I could do to watch them! Thank you for linking up to Country Kids and a very Happy Birthday to Sophie!
