English Muffins

Who doesn't like a hot buttered muffin !!!!

These were quiet easy to make and im rather happy on how they turned out.

450g strong white flour
8fl oz milk
55 mls of warm water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp caster sugar
2 tsp dried yeast
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
Polenta (optional just for a nice finish and crust.

  • Warm the milk and add the sugar and yeast set aside till frothy (5 mins)
  • Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt  add the milky yeast
  • Use a dough hook and bring together in your food mixer till it forms a dough or do this by hand, you will need to add the water to bring it together
  • Need for 10 mins till smooth and leave to prove for an hour till it has doubled in size
  • Knock back and need again cut and shape into balls prove for another 20 mins
  • Add a little oil to a griddle and dip you muffins into some Polenta (optional)  and place on the griddle and cook each side till they feel cooked through.  They will rise a bit more while cooking

To break them open it is best to open them with a fork so you get a rip with peaks and trough which is great to get nice wells of butter to get trapped in when they are still warm.  

English muffins are very versatile and are great with jam but my hubby likes them with bacon a poached egg and fresh hollandaise sauce 
Hollandaise Sauce recipe 

125g butter
2 egg yolks
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp of white wine vinegar
squeeze of fresh lemon juice
splash of cold water if needed

This is an easy recipe to do and versatile for Smoked haddock towers as well.  Melting the butter in a microwave in a jug for about a minuet making sure to remove the white solids and set aside.

I use a glass bowl heated over a saucepan of gently bubbling water and add the whisked egg yolks salt and vinegar and whisk constantly add a little cool water if need be until the mixture thickens about 4-5 minuets.

Once thickened removed from the heat and gently add the butter slowly stirring all the time until you get a silky sauce if it becomes to thick add a splash more cold water and whisk again.

Season with a good squish of fresh lemon juice and fresh ground black pepper.

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  1. Oh my lord these look good!I'm definitely moving in!

  2. They look perfectly done! Nice job :-)

  3. They are so perfectly cooked, the look fantastic!

    1. thanks you i took my time cooking them not to fast else they burn outside and dont cook inside

  4. look at that melted butter on those perfectly plumped muffins!!! they look so professional and uniformed - Mr Hollywood would be pleased :)
    thanks for linking up x

  5. I eat English Muffins every day for breakfast but you made it look so easy that I'm going to have to start to make my own! Thanks!

    1. it was my first time too i was really surprised how easy they were to do and therapeutic to need the dough

  6. These look amazing!! I shall give this recipe a go ASAP...
    Your hubby eats them my fav way too x

    1. hope you put some pics up so we can all see your baking wares

  7. Oh my gosh. That melting butter. Can't get past that melting butter shot. Want, want, want!

    1. haha i have to say looking at that picture inspires me to make them again and again

  8. these look great, love the melting butter, all these muffins are making me seriously hungry!!

  9. I wish I was eating these for breakfast!

  10. OMG these look A to the MAZING!!

    I really want to attempt muffins but they seem so scary.

  11. oh look at that buttery muffin with that runny egg on top - just gorgeous!
