Room 101

My lovely buddy Nicola from F.A.B at Forty has opened the door to room 101 for me to throw 3 things inside that annoy me, i want to rant about, i hate or want to banish etc.  However Nicola has already chosen 3 really good things that would also be top of my list Flies, Bottles meats and Clowns.

1. This one actually gives me a red mist and i get a reminder that not all people think the same with consideration but that they are actually selfish pricks and i wish i had a tazer gun to blast them in their soft boiled little brains.

You see that sign there yes its a bloody push chair meaning for parents with prams or small children like toddlers.  

Not 7, 8, 9 , 14 17 year old kids that have fully functioning limbs and that are able to walk with sense the 5 or 10 car spaces from their car to the shop door.

Not parents that have gone to the shops with no kids in toe but have car seats so think they can still park there.

Not lazy arse people with no kids and no car seats who think they just fancy parking as close as they can to the store making their journey to the shops door as short as possible.

Not people who were only 5 mins to pick up their fags 

NO NO NO !  These spaces are for parents who are trying to juggle wriggling run away toddlers with little road sense, trying to strap these small people into car seats while arms and legs are flailing about. Babies who are probably screaming the odds and prams that are a bugger to open and shut down while the shopping trolley which has a mind of its own and rolls off down the car park!!!! 

Don't take advantage of these spaces if you can walk! its horrendous as a mum trying to get small kids out of normal car parking spaces and even worse cramming them back in with the shopping as well.

This also goes for all those clever dicks out there who think they are so smart parking in disabled badge holder spaces.  Disabled people need this extra space to get in and out of their cars to get to the shops.  It just makes my blood boil when i see a relative or friend jump out of the car while they leave the disabled person in the car and go off and do the weekly shop, guess what those 2 things under your Butt yes they are legs use them!!!  

Don't tale advantage of these spaces if you can walk!  there are genuine people who need these spaces and thinking your being clever or that everyone else does it is no excuse.  Don't use disabled people and the badges to get your self a nice close parking space. 

2. Unwanted door knockers, no not the things that alert you that someone is at your door im talking about the plethora of nonsense that disturbs my day.  
            Ding dong Avon calling ... Knock knock Kleenez .....Bing bong Betterware.....

Cluttering up the front of my house with your bloody magazines in plastic bags these are going straight in the bin if i see them .....No thank you 

Door knockers begging for cash for charity, making you feel uncomfortable at your own front door if you don't give in and hand over some money.  We give to a number of charities every year and support our friends also that raise money for their charities, if i want to give what little money we have, i will choose to give it to whom ever, when ever and not made to squirm and feel awful on my own door step.

The other culprits are the god squad, nothing against people of religion but just to come knocking on my door as an advert for your beliefs, religion and conversion to boost your flock numbers, i am not interested!!! Funny thing is religion has been around for thousands of years and yes i have heard of it, guess what im well informed, im a big girl and if im interested i will go and find that big building with the spire on it and knock on the door and ask inside.  I don't need a personal advert to my door or an argument as to why i have no belief in a mystical higher being. 

3. Boot fair battery junk O'k so this one is a bit my fault for placing faith and trust in money grabbing gits.  

We boot fair a lot, we sell, we buy.  When we sell we spend time making sure things look good we clean things we even save the boxes to hand over an item as nice as we can to recycle and reuse.  What gets my goat and i have been stung twice this year by people selling battery items that don't work. We ask the seller does this work and a lovely smiling face from a trust worthy looking person claims of course it does we just don't need or use it anymore.  We get the item home to discover they were lying bastards and the item is very broken, guess what if its broken throw your crap in the bin.....

These are my 3 ranty picks and boy i feel a little better for getting that out there... i am now passing Room 101 to 3 lovely ladies 

Alice from Mums make lists a very talented lady to whom i have learnt so much from this year (thank you xx) 

Emma from A Bavarian Sojourn a very loyal and kind soul who kept me going with my blog by being my only reader and commentor at a large part of my blogging experience guess what comment make a blogger feel its worth it. 

Mary from Keynko what this woman can do with some male neck ties is amazing 

Can't wait to see what you have thrown into Room 101 


  1. Ahhhhhhhhh you are so right on the whole lot. Out of all of these it truly makes me mad to see people abuse the handicap spots, you can get a ticket for it in the States so people "usually" think twice, but I'm a big mouth... I say something if I see it. But both of my parents are handicapped so I feel I have the right when people are being inconsiderate lazy asses!!
    Good post. Nothing like a good venting!!
    Have a great rest of your week.

    1. I wish the supermarkets would police these spaces better here in the UK drives me nuts

  2. hahaha oh that gave me a chuckle Helen, I'm with you on these for sure, especially the parking spaces!
    Living in the sticks I don't get that many god botherers or collectors, but I do get inundated with those charity phone calls trying to guilt me into donating, if I gave money to everyone that phoned, my donations would exceed my income!
    People palming off their broken crap is just wrong.
    Thank you for adding to Room 101 :)

    1. that must be so infuriating getting those phone calls Ali and I dont have a home phone and im really glad for it

  3. Totally with you on all three - especially the first one - tazer gunning them in their soft boiled little brains may be too lenient !

    1. I am open to anything you have in mind :)

  4. I have this one on my things to do, loving your list here!
