Getting ready for new siblins

As you know by now Baby Ella was born on the 5th June only a week ago but Sophie has been getting ready for the new baby since week 12 of the pregnancy, when we told her all about the baby in mummies tummy.  Sophie is 3 years old and i was so impressed with her as she totally got the concept of babies in tummies straight away and she was very caring around me making sure that she didn't do rough housing with me but instead saved  it all up for poor old daddy who became her wrestling partner.  Sophie has also made sure that we wont be getting any more siblings, due to daddy being head butted and kneed in the family jewels.

Sophie and i have a lot of conversations together and i think it is this that has helped her with the whole understanding of the pregnancy process.  I have a pregnancy book that shows week by week how the baby grows and what is changed and each week we sit down and i read to her and showed her the pictures and answered all her questions about the baby.  Sophie would then use my belly button as a telephone to then relay the information to the baby.

When i went for antenatal scans Sophie would come along too and see the baby on the screen.  Sophie became an expert very quickly with the sonographer and was even telling them what the should scan starting with measuring the head and listening to the rhythm of the heart, the poor sonographers were either very impressed and were happy to oblige her or were amazed at her knowledge and a but put out that this 3 year old tot was doing their job.   

It was the same with midwife appointments and Sophie would get involved with wearing the midwifes stethoscope and listening my tummy, and very soon we had to get Sophie her very own Dr's kit and mummy was subjected multiple examinations when ever Sophie saw it fit to do so.  

Sophie was also very kind and understanding towards me when i was going through the tired period and we would go to bed together during the day and i would sleep and she would lay next to me watching her I pad and keeping watch over me in case i had a hypo which i did very often did.

Finally the big day came and i went in and had Ella, Sophie came to visit the same day and dressed up all pretty to meet her new sister and brought her a soft toy as a present, she couldn't wait to hold hands and cover the baby in kisses.

Back at home we have encouraged her to help out by choosing clothes and dressing the baby, getting nappies and watching the change of the nappies and has even given the baby and very deserved nick name of Ella Bella poo pie!

Sophie has become a mini mummy and any opportunity to cuddle baby, help with feeding or entertain with toys she really got involved, even muscling daddy off Ella so she could look after her.  Poor daddy has hardly had any cuddles. 

I really think that having an open dialogue and involvement in the process and with the tasks of the new baby has helped make Sophie the helpful girl she is and not cope but look forward to and enjoy having a new little sister.