Elective C section birth story

I had opted for a Elective C section as when i had Sophie she could not pass through my pelvis, as we had started out as a natural birth and after almost an eternity of trying i was whisked off to have an emergency c section.  

So our special day came that had booked in advance as i had gestation diabetes that had been pretty bad in the pregnancy so we were first up for the c section.  We were shown to our ward and bed and had to change into a gown and the midwife did their tests so i was ready for the operating theater.  My poor old feet were really swollen the last few days before going in.

Ali and i walked into the theater and i stalled just for a second as the room was really daunting large with a table in the middle for me with large lights above and smaller table beside full of metal sharp implants made me feel a little nervous as to what was ahead.  I sat on the table as they prepared a cannula in my hand . I am not so good with the thought of a needle going into me as its not really a natural thing to happen, so when they came to putting the needle into my spine i was tense, shaking and a little emotional as to what was about to happen with the whole operation, even though i had been through it before.  The needle for my spine went in and i had the sensation of the needle scrapping across the top of one of my vertebra and it was a bit painful but soon the drugs hit and there was no sensation at all and the operation went ahead.

With a c section there is a cut that is made in the bikini line across the middle to the womb where the baby is extracted.  The surgeon started to get baby out of my tummy and there was a lot of pushing especial around my chest as they pushed down the baby, it felt like some one doing the washing up in my stomach. 

Previously i wrote about that i had not had the time to connect with the bump so felt emotionally detached. When my stomach had been cut and the oxygen hit the baby she screamed, at that moment Ali and myself looked at each other and we both started to cry, we both went from feeling nontialnt about the pregnancy to oh my goodness we are parents.

Baby Ella popped out and screamed and it was very reassuring, she was whisked off to have her lungs pressed to get rid of the liquid, weighed, injected and checked over before being given back to us to cuddle and i haven't stopped cuddling her since.  I really feel like i have been hit hard in the heart again with full on love as if cupid has used a cannon ball and not his normal arrow. 
Sophie has been amazing and the most helpful girl getting really involved, to a point of being a mini mummy and gives the baby lots of cuddles and helps to stop Ella crying by entertaining her.  Ali and i are now proud parents to two beautiful girls and are happy as can be.


  1. Fantastic story Helen , you both have gorgeous daughters. xx

  2. I know I've said it before but congratulations again! Big kisses all round! X X X X

  3. Hopping over from Mums Make Lists! I ended up having a c-section with my son (turning 1 on the 22nd) because my pelvis wasn't big enough. He head had started to swell trying to push through. We are TTC and I am trying to decide if I want to try again, or just opt for an elective c-section. So glad everything worked out! ~ Cherry Blossom Love

    1. i would definitely go for an elective for your second time there was so much trauma and you know that baby wont be able to pass through. i have to say elective if stress free and only takes hour within mins your be holding baby and 45 mins being stitched up, with the emergency things are all a bit quick and scary where as elective is calm and the surgeon takes time making the cuts to the baby

  4. It's funny you said it's like someone doing the washing up in your tummy - that is exactly how my mum described having a c-section - and the last one she had was in 1988!

    I am glad it all went well - you guys have two beautiful girls to treasure. Sophie looks every inch the proud big sister. Ella was born the day after my birthday, Gemini is the BEST star sign! :)

    1. Wow Great minds and how funny is that. Who did she give birth to in 88 was it you ?

      Sophie is very proud, so what are Gemini's like isnt that the star sigh with 2 children so would that be 2 personalities or twice as much fun ??

  5. You're completely right about that tummy washing thing - it's such a weird feeling isn't it, Alice x
