Cubby kit hand print flowers

So we are still working through our Cubby kit box and the second activity we choose was making hand print flowers.

Everything we could possibly need was included and there was items that would last like scissors, tape and pens so we made sure we put them somewhere safe when we had finished with them ready for another time.
First of all we had to draw round Sophie hands to make the flower heads, Sophie is at that age where she just loves having her hands drawn around.
You don't have to but we decided to decorate our flowers a bit more and Sophie, drew some petal details on the leaves which were her fingers, and then we took some of the glue from the cress heads activity and added a touch of glitter too.  
When this had dried we took a pen and rolled the hand flowers round them to make them curl up 
We decided to put a yellow flower and a red flower together but you can make individual flowers, the curled flowers are added to bendy green straws as these will be the stems.
 Of course all flowers need a good sniff to see if they make you sneeze and a resounding AAAACHOO came from Sophie.
The next part was to draw, cut out and stick leaves on the the stems to finish the flowers off.
 there was one bit of card left over which was to make a greeting card from, but we had other ideas, can you tell what it is yet? Sophie drew a pattern and stuck a few stickers to the card as well as the Cubby kit logo.  We then rolled up card and stuck it down.
That's right we made a vase for our pretty flowers to stand in so we could show them off on the shelf in the play room.  What lovely colourful flowers to have on such a dull and rainy day. 

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