Maori, butterfly and rose face painting

 Half term and Sophie wants the paints out i don't mind as i get to practice practice practice.  I got a bit bored of the pretty and wanted to try something different which meant Sophie had to practice herself at being less wriggly, while i did this Maori face painting.  Later we went out and she got a lot of looks and comments about it being different and good, by the time we got home it was a bit smudged so she asked for a new face paint so i wanted to try doing roses as they can be tricky and of course we needed a butterfly for her other cheek.


  1. Wow! All are lovely, but the Maouri tattoo must have taken hours! :)

  2. Im really slow atm as im learning so they all take ages lol with more practice i hope to get a bit faster

  3. Love the Maouri face paints! and the expression on her face is just priceless!
