Toca Boca Shopping

What a fab little ap this by Toca Boca for the I pad and is and a way to a girls heart SHOPPING, talk about starting them young this is great to play as a single but better as a twosome. First set up your shop by choosing what products you want to sell from the big catalogue.  When the shop is ready one person can be the shop keeper and one person the shopper.  This is great game for choosing and even better thinking about counting when you come to pay, it is entertaining, fun bright and really rather cute.


  1. excuse the washing machine spin cycle

  2. Cool we don't have an ipad do you recommend them? Great video! Go you :) x

  3. I really do recommend an I pad it has really helpped Sophie ignit her imagination to learn and it's in use pretty much all day long between me and her

  4. Thanks for the love! /Paulina, Toca Boca

  5. Pleasure pauspling we are doing a few more this week x
