Rosehip tea

Rosehips are one of my favourite things to forage for they are packed with goodness with Vitamin A, B, C, E and K  and is excellent at fighting colds, as soon as i feel a little low or have a tickle in my throat i good cup of refreshing tea is a good fast fix to feeling better, especially as rose hips contain more vitamin C that citrous fruit. You can sweeten the tea with a little honey but i like the tart fruity flavour especially with a ginger biscuit. 

Once picked give the rose hips a good wash then top and tail the hips you can de seed them but you don't have to if your making tea. however i do then i wash these again to get ride of the little prickly hairs then i put the skins on a baking tray and dry these out in the oven for a hour or so on the lowest setting. I then store these in an air tight jar ready for a brew, just add two heaped spoons in 1 cup of boiling water and leave to steep for 15 mins and give the mixture a good stir and squish.

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