More face painting

Well Sophie is totally keeping me busy with face painting and every day we have to do a new face here are a few of the new ones we have tried, above is panda as suggested by Granny.

Here is fairy princess with home made crown and below doggy which she spent the day on all fours woofing
i defiantly need to get better with the brushes but im slowly getting there


  1. Wow your getting quite a talent for it :) Next time your selling soap you should do some face painting on the side too! x

  2. LⓞL thanks K getting there i think Sophies daily demands to be able to imgine herself as some new thing has helped practice, i wont do this on the side though selling soap take all my attention

  3. The faces are all brilliant!!! Love that Sophie came as a Tigger today to Jacqu'in the box!!!xxx

  4. Thank you Jacqui she did look good and i L♡Vd seeing the other children looking at her with her tigger face on made me giggle. Sophie adores Jacqu'in the box
