Snowy Sunday

Today we woke up to a blanket of snow and Sophie was very excited about this and grabbed her sledge dragged it around the house as well as sitting in it in the living room waiting on her slow parents to get themselves together.

We decided that first of all a snowman should be build and daddy showed off his creative talents in snow sculpting and the two got busy scooping up all the snow in the garden to building Sophie a nice big snowman which she named Snowy.
Halfway through the build we had a snowball fight which Sophie enjoyed throwing snowballs at mummy and daddy but a few came a bit close to her which frightened her.  Then daddy we off to search the pots and containers for large lumps of ice and tipped out the water butt which was frozen and the bottom was filled with icy leaves.  Back to work on on our snowman as he needed a head.

We found stones or his eyes, nose and mouth as mummy didn't have a carrot for the nose, we also used the needles from our Christmas tree to make hair and gave the snowman a scarf to keep the chill out.  Daddy was very proud of his efforts and Sophie was very happy too.