Granny Marie's 80th Birthday

This weekend saw Great granny Marie turn 80 as well as granny turn 65. In honour of great granny Marie's birthday all the family came together to wish her a happy birthday in Norwich at the Loch fyne restaurant.

Granny Marie had a wonderful turn out with many of her friends joining the party as well.  We really looked forward to the party as we got to see some new relatives we had never met before

Sophie was very happy to meet and play with her cousins Lucy and Elle and spent most of her time running circles round the restaurant chasing Elle.
Sophie also got a nice hug from the other birthday girl Granny, which gave mummy and daddy a chance to take a breath from chasing her around the restaurant.
For Granny Marie's birthday i made a lemon and poppyseed cake iced in royal icing covered in gold luster dust and white daisies. 
The cake came out at the end of the meal and instead of candles i placed a firework on the top which i think is a bit more fun and a little kinder to Granny Marie who otherwise would have had to get her breath to blow out all the candles
It was a lovely lunch and so great to meet lots of new family members and we really hope to meet up again soon on another wonderful occasion.


  1. Fab baking again!!! Great granny Marie is looking fabulous for 80! What is her secret? Is it your baking?!? x

  2. you know what i was thinking the same for an 80 year old lady she looks 60 i want to know her secret too.

  3. Sounds like a lovely day, and I hope I look that good at 80! That cake is pretty fabulous as well! Emma :)
