Zoku Quick Pop Maker

Do the new and exclusives stop from Lakeland they sure do not here is another amazing must have kitchen gadget from the innovative Kitchenware company.

What is this ? well its fast, fun and every kids dream come true to ice lollies.  The Zoku ice lolly maker is a special piece of kit and Sophie just loves to create her own ice lollies and watch them freeze right in front of her eyes like magic.  No power is needed as this neat little ice block tucks away in your freezer and when you desire a lolly you just pour some fruit juice or yoghurt into it and 10 mins later hey presto your very own ice lolly, this ice pack can even make 3 ice lollies before it needs to go back into the freezer. The kit comes with three sticks to make lollies and drip guards to which i was thankful for as little warm hands and slow eating makes for a lot of melted mess, also the kit comes with a unique tool that helps to un pop the lolly from the mould so you don't need to struggle trying to release ice lollies in front of eager little ones waiting for their treat.
Here is our first lolly we made which was a lemonade with blackcurrant centre you can see we filled up the mould with the lemonade and you can see it is already starting to freeze by the glacial look of the liquid, yes it is that fast. The fun bit to get the centre is to watch the outside and look to see how thick the edges become then simply either pour the centre out or get a straw and suck out the ice cold lemonade which is much more fun.  next pour in your centre filling and by having a contrasting colour this makes the lolly look more impressive when you bite into it.
Within a few mins little ones are happily sucking on ice cold treats.  The Zoku lolly maker is really good as you can freeze all sorts of liquids so you can control nice healthy snacks and i don't mind if Sophie wants three lollies a day as i can make them out of yoghurt, fruit puree and juices.
Now we got a bit fancy with our lolly making and decided to have a go a zigzag striped lolly the picture on the left is what we wanted to achieve and to do this you need to lean ice pack to one side and pour in the liquid and then let it freeze before adding the next layer, i made mine out of blueberry puree raspberry puree and clementine juice.                     

Our attempt is on the right hand side and i think it looks really good and it was easy to do and Sophie just loved working through the different flavours and gave it a big thumbs up.


Next we decided to try the liquid outer shell with a yoghurt centre and seeing as we practised with the lemonade lolly we were good at making the outer shells, so we did a mango shell and added a cherry yoghurt centre to give it a different colour inside,  i think we could have made the shell a little thinner but Sophie didn't complain and ate it all up.
 Last of all and one of my favourites a straight forward yoghurt lolly this was so simple and tasted so great.  Zoku lolly maker is fun and very easy to use and Sophie loves coming up with her own combinations and getting involved in making them and i love watching her face as she watches them freeze and even better as she eats her healthy frozen snack.  The pack is so small and neat it just lives in my freeze tucked away and is the perfect mummy saver for quick treats to keep little ones happy.  The Zuko lolly maker costs £19.99 and already it is saving me money on icecreams and ice lollies for Sophie and with the summer holidays soon to be here im glad we have this fun creative and healthy lolly maker ready for action when Sophie just needs a nice cool treat. Find the Zuko lolly maker here at Lakeland 

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