Ladies that lunch

Its sunny and its warm and there's nothing for it but to have a little ladies gathering, bring the latest swimwear fashion to parade around the garden to relax and chill out in the pool, to share the latest toddler gossip. Introducing 3 angels Sophie, Nevaeh and Phoebe

After a brief splash about to cool off the ladies chatted about what they wanted to do when they grew up while they explored the toys.  Sophie fancied being a theme park ride tester and showed the ladies the best way to use the slide.  Nevaeh fancied being a model and posed elegantly with the hottest wheels in the garden, and Phoebe ever the topical one heard that England was hosting the Olympics in 2012 and thought she would get some practice in to join the swimming team, if not her back up plan was to be an artist model for a fountain sculptor and showed her thoughts for updating Trafalgar square, what a water nymph she is.

After all this chat and playing it was time for a bit of light refreshment with some cool drinks and some home made raspberry ice cream.  However Sophie's mummy made a bit of a mistake and brought our some scrummy looking Boston cream cupcakes and the ice cream was left in the race to get the cupcakes.

There was much nom noming and slurping up the chocolate and enjoying finding the surprise of a vanilla custard centre inside the sponge, and there were one or two conversations about if a second cupcake was up for grabs or not and Phoebe looked like a miss muffet on the slide while she enjoyed her cake, but really ladies sporting chocolate moustaches that's so last season.

They say that most first time buyers of houses are 38 years old these days, so Sophie beaming with pride showed off her new pile to her girl friends giving them the tour of the kitchen, bedroom and living space.

The girls loved the fact the house came decorated and with carpet and its own phone
Nevaeh thought that the plastic fruit and veg was just super but preferred tucking into the real crisp
Phoebe Just loved the view and gave a thumbs up for the location 

Well there lots of playing in the house as the girls drank pretend tea doing cheers with the tea cups and Sophie tried to order pizza on the pretend phone so far it hasn't turned up, does the rule for free pizza after 30 mins of a no show still exist.  
With a lovely long after noon playing the little ladies started to get tired so had a quick snuggle with mummies and change back into their day clothes ready for the journey home.
All the ladies had a really lovely day playing, sharing, chatting eating fabulous cupcakes and getting a good soak in the pool.  It left the question..........

Can i come again?

We certainly hope you do it was just too much fun. With the hugs, kisses and waves of good bye done at the end of the day and everybody has gone home, you think you could put you feet up and reflect on the day but as most women know that's not the end of the day OH NO.. a woman's work is never done 

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  1. oh how lovely :0 the cakes look delicious . So the kids I wish I was there to play. They sure looked like they were having fun. Now time to do the hoovering now they have made all the mess :) bless them. Karen :)

  2. I love this Helen! Your blog is so cute, you got some great shots too! Tamar xxx
