Garden bugs

Sophie and i had a crafting day today and decided to turn some used bottles into bugs with a little help from some foam and glue.

First mummy cut out all the bits as scissors are sharp and Sophie laid them into place and then got help with squidging the sticky glue. As we were using crafting glue we used pegs and string to secure the bits in place while it dried.


Finally when all the sticky bits had dried and set, Sophie got to test out the bugs for their first flying lessons.  We had made a bee and a moth, not bad for two empty bottle we were going to throw away.

We hung them out in the garden to fly around Sophie's wendy house, then when it got dark we popped a couple of glow sticks in their tummies and they became ambient lights, were going camping soon so we are going to hang them up in our tent at night.

Still feeling creative we got busy with some smaller bugs made from fruit shoot bottles which are already brightly coloured if you take off the wrappers.  This time we were a bit more outrageous with our bug ideas.  We made holes in their bellies and stuck garden canes into the bottles and pushed them into the flower bed to hover over the flowers.  One Bug is going to Sophie's best friend for his birthday we hope he likes it.



  1. These are fantastic!! Love the glo-sticks for evening idea. . . . I am not the most crafty of people but think we might give this a go!!

  2. Try them with a fruit shoot bottle rather than the larger bottles as they are easier to do and you can be more creative. Pound shop are selling glow sticks at the moment x x

  3. What a cute project! Thanks for sharing at Fluster Buster's Creative Muster!

    Robin @ Fluster Buster
