Sloe time in the meadow

We have had our first frost and we are lucky to have our own sloes growing in the meadow so no more tromping round the footpaths hunting for sloes, dragging children through nettles and thistles.   Ella is getting to an age (16 months) where she is getting to an age where she loves to help, she watches and copies and as you can see very insistent to carry the basket and pick the berries.

After the girls helped pick the sloe's we spent time pricking them before added them to our yearly few bottles of gin, a bit of mothers ruin to help sooth the day for mum and dad when the kids finally go to bed.  I know your supposed to wait till Christmas to let them infuse but hey make a few extra bottles mean we can start drinking it a bit earlier Cheers!!

A few years back we also made some slow wine which you can find out how to do below
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  1. Those glasses look wonderful, I've never tried making sloe gin but I love the taste so I may have to go on a hunt. thank you for inspiring me and sharing your lovely berry picking pictures on Country Kids

  2. Great post. Love the home grown goodies too! :)

  3. Looks like an activity that kept everyone happy! :)
