Mushrooms and Spiders

 This week i thought i would be a bit indulgent with my pictures and just focus on two things i have a lot of in the garden Mushrooms and Spiders, small and amazingly beautiful, well i think so anyway.


  1. Amazing photos! The mushrooms are fab, but that very last spider shot is incredible! #HDYGG

    1. thank you i think i am a little in love with spiders right now

  2. Lovely mushroom photos, the red and white ones look like something out of a story book. Seeing those spiders has made me feel itchy, haha! We have so many in the house at the moment...

  3. Fantastic photos! I love the shots of the spiders particularly.

  4. Amazing photos of stunning objects and insects! I tried taking photos of mushrooms and I can only get a blur. Your photos are awesome =) #hdygg

  5. wow! you do have an amazing variety of beautiful mushrooms. no comment on the spiders! except that i can't say much as i have them on my blog this week as well, lol.

    1. yes we have discovered loads in our garden

  6. Wow! Inspirationally good photos. That spider!

  7. Fab photos of fantastic subject matter. Are any of your mushrooms edible?

    1. yes that top one is its an ink cap i believe

  8. Amazing pictures, I love Autumn for the great array of fungi, they are so pretty. The spider pictures are great, you were brave to get so close!

  9. Love these Helen - I must admit I do love spiders, even though our builder seems scared of them ( men!)
    Kitty has been nagging me to but a fungi identifying book so I must really get that done, there's so many to be seen at the moment - love that top one especially - so tall!
    I hope all is ok your end - apologies the late commenting but we got back form holiday Friday and Kitty came down with a temperature and cold and I 've been on cuddle duty ever since so not much time to get online xxx
