Pots for winter and spring

 We are full on bulb planting round the garden at the moment and have bought around 1000 bulbs and it is now way near enough for the garden but a good start to build on over the years, Next year i will bulk buy sacks of bulbs as it is much cheaper per bulb.  We have bought loads of varieties of bulbs but the basic types are tulips, daffodils, bluebells, snowdrops,crocus and muscari armeniacum, hoping for a good splash of colour come spring time.

We have a large front walk way and have made a start at trying to pretty it up with some pots.  We are trying to have pots that give blooms for a good 6 months through winter and spring and we have planned the layered pot approach.

Starting with the lower layer we placed tulips bulbs then soil then daffodil bulbs more soil followed by the muscari armeniacum, we topped the pot off with a selection of winter pansies and cyclamen.  Here is madam hitching a ride in the trolley as we took the pots from the potting area to the front door for display.
 My other little helper was on bed duty using the best tool i bought for planting the many bulb, my bulldog garden spear, making planting quicker.  Looking forward to Spring now and seeing all new flowers after our hard work.


  1. I can't imagine planting 1000 bulbs! Can't wait to see photos of your garden in Spring, it's going to look amazing! Bulbs are one of my favourite things, easy to plant, low maintenance and a nice surprise when the weather warms up.

  2. Arrrr lovely pictures. It looks like you've got two great little helpers. Wow 1000 bulbs!! You have been busy x #HDYGG

  3. bulbs seem like such a fabulous investment! i am curious to see your layered pots at work come spring!

  4. So many bulbs - But then I guess you do have a massive garden! I love your little helpers, so good that they want to help / look cute hitching a ride!

    I suspect pots may be the way forward here for now - they would certainly jazz up all the mud!

    Thanks for joining in again - hope those compost bins are filling up!

  5. I must plant our bulbs! I do like the idea of layering them, had never thought of doing that... #HDYGG

  6. love this blog, makes me think I must get on with doing some here. I've done layered pots and they are amazing I have to say I love it as different flowers coming through all the time. You'll love it!
