Large compost ambitions

This week we have been working on our compost area, as we have a sizable plot to look after we need a large compost area to help us deal with waste and make mulch and new compost to feed our beds.
We made the compost bins using long stake and attaching panels along the stakes,  We made a number of these sections then attached all the sections together to create the bins.  This is Ali's large wood work project and his two little helpers.
We wanted walk in compost bins so we could rotovate the waste and have the space to turn and airate the compost before tipping it into the second bin.

I have since bought Ali a rotavator as he was strimming the compost before which did work but the rotavate blitzes through the garden waste a lot faster.  Did you know a compost needs 60% carbon and 40% green waste so it is really handy for recycling as household paper and card as well as garden waste, Ali even wants to try and recycle some old clothes as he saw Monty Don doing this recently.
Finally i saw this lovely hydrangea and wanting to grow flowers in our back garden which is currently a large football pitch thought this was a really lovely plant to add some colour to garden and grow nice and big to eat up some of the green,  i totally blame Annie and her post from last week.

Finally i caught these two walking around down at the bottom of the meadow pics are a bit blurry as i had to use my 500 lens and they were 1/3 of an acre from me, but i think they are handsome chaps and its really nice having them roaming around. 

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  1. what a great compost project! we have been really bad with ours. it's been totally neglected for months. and that hydrangea is the prettiest shade of pink. x

    1. the hydrangea really caught my eye i had to have it

  2. A walk in double compost heap- great idea, wish I had the space for that! I love composting and it amazes me just how much I can pile in to our bin, it's like a tardis! I'm reaping the rewards now too :) Happy composting!

    1. i cant wait till next year to start using it

  3. Wow compost-tastic - I love the 2 bin idea. I didn't know how much newspaper ect we could put in our compost until my neighbour told me - now all our egg boxes, paper and guinea pig dirty sawdust goes straight into it! Immense how much compost it holds to, we have a medium sized slatted one and there was enough in that to fill 2 large raised beds!
    Looks like you are very busy there - great that Ali is so hands on with it all, I think my husband is allergic to the garden!
    Thanks for joining in again and sharing lovely x

  4. Yes, wow! Walk in composters, i have composting envy now. We compost pretty much everything we possible can, but ours is a baby compared to those might beasts :)

  5. What an amazing compost bin! Fantastic to have the space for it, and to have the space that means you need it :) #HDYGG

  6. wow! what impressive compost bins. I have attempted to start compost several times this summer and keep getting side-tracked. keep us posted with your success stories! it is very motivational!

  7. Amazing idea to compost fabrics! I think you can do the natural cotton and wool! Amazing. I am so looking forward to updates! #hdygg

  8. Oh I have serious compost envy...they are fantastic!

    1. i am so impressed with Ali's hammering skills of course how to make them was all my idea :D

  9. Those are huge bins, having the walk in ones such a fab idea! The hydrangea is the perfect shade of pink

  10. New huge bins look perfect. We struggle with ours. Your new place looks fabulous! :)

    1. Thanks em i love living here it is wonderful change of life
