Play in the park

 Summer is coming everyone is happy and carefree. The girls have to much energy so to run some of it off we headed off to one of our favourite haunts Waddesdon to play in the woodland park.  There is a bit of an assault course there for kids to clamber across, over, under, but this didn't stop daddy who could not wait to join in with Sophie, he really does not need any encouragement to do any of the silly and childish things and us girls adore him for this silliness.  They both raced each other faster and faster around the course till they were both so apparently pooped that the only thing to fix them would be huge quantities of ice cream!!!  But before we headed off there was just one more swing before we leave mummy, of course Ella got in on the action and loved the big swing, i just love their cheeky faces as they get a good push from daddy,  squeals of delight followed by higher push daddy high push.

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  1. awwww i love the one of the 2 girls in the swing basket - i have a lot of pics of my two in the one at our park! it is lovely to see a daddy getting stuck in and having some fun outdoors x

  2. Such cute pictures in the sunshine, a post full of happiness! #countrykids

  3. There's a park near us in Yorkshire that has almost identical equipment and my kids used to love it. So nice to see yours having fun.
    Heather x

  4. what lovely happy smiley faces :-) #countrykids

  5. Love a happy post! Judging by the pictures I can see why your kids love this park so much! x

    JustJulie | Beauty Blog

  6. Aww you have two gorgeous girls!!

    This park is what I craved from every park as a child, nothing beats an adventure playground and Dad's are just the best at getting silly!!

    Georgie xx

    .this other story

  7. What a happy family. There is nothing better than spending time outside with your children in summer.

  8. Awww I love seeing kids enjoying themselves. I can't wait for my daughter to get to that age x

  9. Nothing beats a good play around the park - thats what i love about summer is being outdoors more

    Laura x

  10. A great adventure playground for young and old alike. Lovely photos of the girls having fun with Daddy, thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  11. Looks like the kids had a great time in the park.

  12. Just look at Sophie's face! Full of determination to finish that bridge. Amazing what kids can do on play areas. Fun, play and bonding what else can you ask for for a fun day =) #CountryKids
