Fantastic Fuchsias

 Sadly it seems Fuschias seem to be out of fashion and considered old fashioned according to a well know T.V program.  So i thought i would show some of these pretty little flowers that are so flamboyant and look like Can can dancing ladies in fabulous show dresses while kicking up long legs.

 Fuchsia Crosby Serendipity (above)

Fuchsia Elma (Above)

Fuchsias Mrs W Rundle (Below)

Fuchsia Torch  (below left) and Fuchsia R.A.F (below right)

 Fuchsia  Celia Smedley (below left) Fuchsia Walz Doedelzak (below right)

Fuchsia Denticulata (above left) Fuchsia Alan Titchmarsh (above right)
 Fuchsia Komeet

 Fuchsia Pink Fantasia
 Fuchsia Sophie Louise

 photo froghighlights.jpg


  1. Fuchsia's are gorgeous. Hopefully they'll come back into fashion soon :)

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

  2. Fuchsias are and always will be one of my favourites, such delicate yet hardy beauties. Lovely photos, the colours are fabulous

  3. I love that last Fuchsia-so pretty. But then they're all pretty! I must try and get some in my garden-I only had one and somehow managed to kill it :(

  4. Gorgeous! I have never thought about them looking like they had long legs before - but you can bet that's all I'll be thinking of when I see them in the future! Not only are they pretty - but Kittys fave colours so I can see I'm going to have to plant some myself!

    Thanks ever so much for joining in again :) x

  5. i absolutely LOVE these flowers and can't understand how a flowers could go out of fashion. amazing pictures too!

  6. We have a few different varieties of Fuchias in the garden and I love them! They are such dainty pretty little flowers. Beautiful pictures x #HDYGG

  7. fuchsias will never be out of style!!! this is a gorgeous collection!

  8. I love the shape of Fuchias :-) So delicate.. Lovely images :-)

  9. They are so pretty! I was just scrolling up and down to look. The colors. The fading ones (ombre). So nice! #hdygg

  10. You've outdone yourself with these shots. Such rich colours. Gorgeous.

  11. I love fuchsias, such pretty delicate flowers, love the photo's :)

  12. How dare they say they are old-fashioned! We have five different fuchsias in our garden as they are my husband's favourite flower.

  13. They are pretty. I was only admiring one of mine earlier on today!
