Baker Ross Summer collection

We really love to play with Baker Ross crafting goodies they are really inspiring and Sophie just cant wait to get her hands on them, and Now we have little Ella watching closely and wanting to join in.   We are today playing with the following items Ceramic flower decorations £3.99 for 5   Wooden swords at £2.99 for 4 Pearlised acrylic paint £9.99 for a pack of 6 Self adhesive acrylic jewels £2.99 for a big bag of 200 gems To create the above collection of crafted items. 

The wooden swords are really great they are a proper pirate shape and we love that they are a wooden swords which means that you can actually play with them properly and do mock sword fights, they make a great sound when bashed together in fighting and it is just a shame that Sophie Pirate costume is packed away for the move else she would have put this on, these are great fun and also great for pirate parties to make a costume or as an activity at the party. The beautiful pearlised paint sat really nicely on them holding the colour well, we think this would be a great summer holiday activity to keep the kids busy with play and Sophie took hours painting the backs and fronts and then bejeweling the swords with the self adhesive gems, which there were many great shapes and colours that sparkled well.

With the end of term coming in 3 weeks these ceramic summery flowers are just lovely and perfect for making the perfect Thank the Teacher gift and with the extra special pearlised paint to bling up and bring the flowers to life Sophie set to work on creating mini master pieces ready for the end of term.  Again she just went to town with the adhesive gems, how could you not they really are great.   Sophie really loved the pearlised paint so much she started painting herself this was just one leg, you can see how shimmery and shiny it is and pretty pastel colours.

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  1. This looks like so much fun :) make sure you head to the library over the summer, loads of free activities going on there x

  2. This looks like a great collection, perfect for the summer holidays! xx

  3. Looks like you had a lovely time and what a great activity to do.
    Jen x

  4. Aww this is so much fun! I remember making similar things back in school :)
