J is for Jamaica

This is a blast from the past, one of our early holidays together crystal waters and white sands of Jamaica.

We were walking along the beach and saw this boat so i sent Ali over to get a shot of him next to it and this dude jumps up who had been sleeping in the sand and started to sell tourist tat to Ali who had jumped out of his skin with fright as he wasnt expecting literally a pop up shop to appear next to him, he of course politely bought a wrist band and a supposed shark tooth necklace but we are sure it was a dog tooth lol.

 photo froghighlights.jpg


  1. What an interesting story! That must have been a wonderful vacation, I'm sure.

  2. ooooh how wonderful to have visited Jamaica! that sand is soooo white x

  3. Ha, did you ever find out if it was a shark tooth or a dog tooth? x

  4. I would have jumped if someone jumped up out of the sand too! Looks like a lovely place :-)
    Amy x

  5. Lovely photo, brings back memories for me too, I was in Jamaica about 10 years ago, loved it there.

  6. Can't blame him for getting startled, I might have given an embarrassing girly shriek had that happened to me. Lovely photo btw. #alphabetphoto.

  7. What a lovely photo that is full of memories x #AlphabetPhoto

  8. Oh my word that would have scared the life out of me someone jumping out of a boat! What a great story though and a wonderful photo. I've not been to Jamaica but I hear it's wonderful. Thanks for sharing with #alphabetphoto
