Garden plants in bloom June

 This week i am gathering a few seeds up from the spring plants ready to take to hopefully our new home to plant.  These flower skeletons are tiny and their seeds smaller still.

 One plant that i wanted to experiment with this year is grasses i have grown a few but this is my favourite called a bunny tail.  I really am loving this grass with its plump fluffy head that moves so well in the gentlest of breezes, and i am planing to grow swathes of them next year, in the meadow.

 I also like wildflowers and any pretty weed in fact and this beauty is a knapweed another addition for the meadow planned.  I love how frothy and pink its flowered top is sitting upon a structured detailed spiky bulb, it is like a crazy hat or hair.  Finally with all this hot weather and sunshine our sunflowers have been going mad and are so tall they are peeping over the neighbors fence, we had our first flower bloom and behind this flower on the same stem are 5 other flowers waiting to pop out.

Plants are not the only busy things in my garden the birds are flitting and flying about, our Robin family is doing well and the robins visit us every day, as do our troop of sparrows that started as only 3 5 years ago and are now 20 strong i love listening to them in the bushes. Our Bird feeder is really a hive of activity and i have really grown to love the birds and want to build upon what i have started with attracting the birds and for our new house i want to do even better seeing as it is so rural and see what else i can attract and have my eye on a fly through feeder as when we looked at our visit we saw loads of finches and tits.  The starlings have just started bring their fledglings out to our feeder to and they are so funny as they are really clumsy and very noisy, you always know when they come to the garden as 40 will decend in one visit poking through the grass and squawking at their parents.  I think flowers and birds are my guilty pleasure.


  1. Your photos are gorgeous! I wish I had a garden to plant things in and watch them grow x

    1. even if you have a pot on the windowsill that is how we started in our fort house :)

  2. Love the photos, wish we had a garden, or a window ledge that we could do this with. Damn living in an attic space. But this is gorgeous!

    1. You can get windows feeders - they just suction onto your window. Had one when I lived in a flat and had plenty of birds visit.

  3. These photos are so fantastic! i love taking pictures of plants and flowers, even if I'm not that great at it ;p they're so just pretty!! and yours really are breathtaking :) x
    | Life as a Petite || Fashion, Crafts & Lifestyle Blog |

  4. I love your garden ideas and the bird photos, especially that starling. Bunny grass sounds fab, I think my kids would love it.

    1. there are so many fledgling starlings about at the moment but that one was an adult

  5. gorgeous photos Helen and your garden is looking beautiful and happy!

  6. Beautiful images. I miss seeing our birds up close-since we had our cat they've obviously kept a wise distance.

  7. Lovely pictures. I love that you've managed to get some pictures of the birds too. Our garden seems brimming with birds at the moment and I've been on bird feeder duty fairly frequently - they get through so much seed! #hdygg

  8. Stunning! Both the close ups (those seeds are teeny!) and the birds. I can never seem to get close enough to the birds round here, there's plenty of them but also quite a few cats which has made them all jittery to noise and movement. A perfect excuse to buy a bigger zoom lens me thinks ;)
    Thanks for joining in again - hope your week is going well x

  9. I love the photos :) I have never see bunny tail grass before but I love its cute little heads. You are very lucky to have so many birds in your garden :)

  10. those are my guilty pleasures too! along with bees and butterflies. I love your idea of the bunny tails in the meadow. I may need to try that next year.

    1. clover will be another one i want to try too

  11. Fabulous photos Helen, I love the close-ups and the birds - always my favourites! Gorgeous, I must do better with the plainer backgrounds.

    1. i have me a new lens and a steady arm :)

  12. Your photos have evolved! They are getting better with your every post. And you have a nice garden project too! Good luck! #hdygg

  13. There was a starling picture on Silent Sunday and I commented ho weasy it os to forget what lovely birds these really are! Love you r bunny grass too - there are some brilliant grasses by Ben's rugby club and I can never pass without stroking them!

  14. Lovely pictures. I love watching the bees on the flowers x #HDYGG

  15. These are beautiful. I almost wish I could reach in and touch the first few. The second picture and the snaps of the fluffy topped grass are gorgeous!

  16. Helen these photos are truly brilliant

  17. Gorgeous photos, I especially love the grass, might have to buy some of that for our garden.

    Thanks for playing along with Point + Shoot xx
