Ella 1st Birthday

 Happy Birthday to you 
Happy Birthday to you 
Happy Birthday dear Ella 
Happy Birthday to you 
My little lady is 1 .....1 oh my that year has gone to to fast for all my efforts to SSSSLow things down, it is out of my hands.  So to mark the occasion we threw a very low key little party for her.
 Sophie was the party planner and she loved the responsibility and took daddy to task ordering him off to the shops to buy the party list of items she thought would be good.  She was brilliant at organising and got every one in the party spirit ordering us to play party games for the chance to win medals and helped Ella open her cards and showed her what to do.

 We recently took Ella off to a theme park where she enjoyed a baby ride so we got her a little bouncing zebra which she adored.  We had balloons and as a lot of our house is packed up for the move they were tied with garden twine and actually we quite liked that it was kinda quaint.
 Time for cake.  Shop bought im sorry but i have just come out of hospital, Ella didn't notice but she loved the chocolate no surprise, thankfully Sophie was on hand to help blow out the candles.

Happy Birthday my darling don't be so fast to reach 2

living arrows
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  1. Helen i did not know you had been into hospital - i hope you are ok?
    Happy 1st birthday to your gorgeous litle girl - her eyes wow! they are just amazing! and she looks so much like her equally gorgeous big sister.
    i hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful day
    ps. loving the new look xx

    1. thanks jenny xxxx

      she is the spit of her biggi

  2. What lovely photos - looks like she had a wonderful 1st birthday #SSAmazingAchievements

  3. I can't believe how quick this year has flown past, it only feels like yesterday I was reading your first posts about her. Happy Birthday Ella. Looks like you had lots of fun, and the party was very well organised. I hope your OK?

    Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements :0)

  4. Where has that year gone? Happy Birthday Ella!! Your girls are gorgeous Helen, so sweeeeet! :)

  5. They both have your big blue eyes! Happy birthday to your little girl and congrats to the successful party =) #LivingArrows

  6. Your little ladies are both gorgeous! I love that Sophie was in charge of the party planning - it's my little boy's 1st birthday in a couple of weeks, do you think she'd like to organise his party too?!
