
Out and about at Stowe for a Wassailing to scare away all the bad spirits from the trees and to ring in a New year.  But first of all what does any queen of Wassailing need and that is her very own leafy crown and noisy shaker as any Wassailer knows a good bit of noise is sure to freighting those pesky naughty spirits back into their hidey holes.

While we were making our noisy shaker using conkers and pine cones in cup with a lid the Midshires Orchard group and the Milton Keynes Lobo Tren Samba group where making as big of a racket as they could outside, Racket in a good way, as that was the purpose to make lots of noise, to frighten away any naughty and bad spirit that might be hanging around.  It was very hard to stand still with all the loud samba music which got into your feet and hips and made us jiggle.  After a parade around the ground all to the funky Samba music we went on a hunt of our own with our very noisy shaker and gave those naughty spirits what for!!! No bush to small, no tree to tall, all nooks and crannies covered before Queen Sophie of Wassailing was happy the New year would go off with a good start. 


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. I have never wassailed but would love to do it. Either the French would think we Brits are completely bonkers or, more likely, they'll have a similar event to protect all the cider trees we have around here. I need to find out.

    1. yes i wonder if they do, it is a nice tradition

  2. What an interesting tradition. Very new to me! She looked like she really got into it.

    1. she loved it and was chatting to the bad spirits before she sent them packing

  3. That looks like so much fun. I love a good wassail. Great photos.

  4. Judging by the photos Queen Sophie did a very good job at frightening those naughty spirits away! I can see how the whole event was such fun in great surroundings too. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  5. What a wonderful tradition!! Looks like so much fun x

  6. This is brilliant, I've never been wassailing, but it looks like a lot of fun. I particularly like the sound of the music getting to your feet and hips :)

    1. just the right sort of music to get you moving on a cold day
