Raised veggie plots

Last year my clever Ali built me some raised veggie plots so we could save some money by growing our own food in the garden.  Ali beavered away in the garden over a weekend pulling together decking boards and stakes before digging hole to drop the stakes,  Sophie was walking by herself at 11 months so a month on she was very strong on her feet and was keen to help out by carry daddies tools, unfortunately off and up the garden.  What a funny little thing she looks here with a big nogging and her baby fat so different from now almost a year on where she is better proportioned but growing taller and faster than a weed.

The plots were built in August 2010 and to late for me to get my head around growing anything, also money was very tight and we couldn't afford to fill them with dirt, but we both were keen to get cracking and grow some grub and from February 2011 onwards we got growing,  if you have seen the gardening pages you will see that we have indeed been planting seeds feverishly and potting up.  see our gardening tabs.
Well our plants have been growing well and are ready to go out in the garden so being the naughty wife i am i went out and ordered some soil for the beds on Saturday morning and it turned up in the afternoon. 2 tuns of it much to the surprise of Ali, who was the one who was to shift it from the front of the house through to the back garden, luckily i wasn't in too much trouble as we couldn't let all our plants die.  Ali spent the day pumping up and down the garden with heavy loads getting an all over body workout and looking very buff by the end of the day and all our bed were filled in.  

As Ali was filling the beds i was raking them and making pea and bean climbers, planting out our crops and seeding in salads, i also made a make shift hooped netting protector out of some old hose i found and pea netting to make sure those pesky white butterfly's don't lay their eggs in our salads.
I also managed to buy a few plants which also needed bringing through so Sophie hitched a ride in the wheelbarrow, but her face tells it all as she was very unsure about the ride.  After the hards days work the plots looked really good and we all felt very proud of our efforts, and relaxed under our pear tree to enjoy the remaining sunshine.

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