Ella Update

 I keep saying this but my baby is growing to fast, i know why it is because she is my last and i want to savoir every moment.

Well nearly every, she had 2 front teeth come in at the same time our house was knocked over with the worst virus we have ever had it was hell on earth.  She also still has been getting wind in her tummy and i have noticed since giving birth to her i have started getting intolerance to certain foods and i swear this is making my breast milk toxic and my HV thinks so to so at 9 mths we are changing to part breast part milk  i noticed a change right away in her and am now trying to ween her off the boobie, problem is she LOVES boobie and will go for it several times in the night and as much as she can grapple off me in the day, from restricting her she has now developed an ANGER and now tantrums are often when she doesn't get her own way, im kind of sad and glad to give up boobie but thats another story.
 She is 9 & a 1/2  months now and the scrap of baby i brought home is shooting up like a weed and she is on the cusp of walking and at any opportunity she is standing, the other day she tried to take her first steps by herself but totally face planted this was followed by much frustrated crying, wont be long now my darling then you can chase me round the house probably screaming the odds.

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  1. She is adorable. I can't believe she is 9 months already... :)

  2. WOW time has really flown! She has amazing eyes. Sounds like you are having fun weaning her off your milk and it won't be long before she is on the move!

    Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements :0)
