Crafting Easter Eggs

Easter will be with us very soon and we have cracked open the crafting cupboard to make some pretty eggs to decorate with.  We have bought some polystyrene eggs that you can jazz up in your own creative way so we decided to decopatch  them in bright papers before blinging them up.  

We have been sent a few bits from Baker Ross that we used some self adhesive pearls, mini holographic stickers and self adhesive bows and some Giotto decorating pens we we used on some of our eggs, check out their web pages they have anything and everything you might need for crafting.  Sophie was so very careful taking her time to apply the pearls and i told her about Feberge eggs so she tried to make her eggs look like one of these and i think she did a nice job, especially as we had such nice and pretty materials to work with.  We also worked with lots of our own materials that we had in the craft cupboard.

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  1. They are lovely! Easter trees are big business over here, and I have noticed the trees starting to spring up... The Germans will decorate their huge trees outside with plastic eggs and they look really lovely! A tradition I think we will take with us one day! :)

  2. We're putting our trees up today. Your egg are lovely, but Sophie is even more gorgeous. Happy Easter!
