Melt my crayon heart

Valentines is coming and were getting ready to make little gifts for Sophie's Friends and today we made crayon hearts which is a really fast simple craft to do.

All you need is

Crayola crayons
Heart shaped moulds
spray oil

pre heated oven 250 degrees

Crayola crayons are really good as they have a fast melting point, its important not to mix in any other brands of crayon and don't use washable crayons as they have different melting points and you could get lumpy hearts or worse one solid yukky colour that could stick to your tin.

First off soak your crayons in cool not warm or hot water as the crayons will start to melt, once soaked for a few minutes your find the paper comes of easily.

next oil your tin or mould, I use a oil spray as this puts a very fine coating of oil on the tin or mould and you don't want crayons swimming in oil.  Break your crayons in half so they fit in your mould and add 10 crayons per mould or more if you have a larger mould or less if you have a smaller mould, make sure once your crayons are melted that they don't come to the top of your mould and boil over into your oven.

put the mould tin onto a baking tray just in case of any mishaps and to give a flat surface once out of the oven your oven should be pre heat your oven to 250 degrees, place your hearts in the oven for 5 mins set the alarm as these get very hot and do create a little smoke in the kitchen, check the moulds after the 5 mins and you should see they are all melted.

Take gently out of the oven and try not to move them about to much as the colours will swirl into each other and end up giving a yukky colour.  Let these cool down for about an hour and don't be tempted to touch, knock or push them out of the moulds as they can crack split and break when they still have warm centres, once cool gentle release from the tins.  How pretty.

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