Were now getting into the concept of games with Sophie and we learnt hide and seek from about 1 year she is now 18 months and is still we haven’t quite got it right. There are 4 versions Sophie plays
1 The simple my eyes are covered so you can’t see me, however she is peeking through her fingers to check that you are looking for her, Does this count as seeing her?
2 The daddy chase and hide, daddy has started a heavy footsteps chase game where Sophie will flail, panic and scream and end up hiding facing into me or curled up into a little ball on the floor. The screaming and flailing totally gives her hiding position away.
3 She will stand really still and quiet and hang her head down but only enough to fish eye me. It’s almost as if by standing really still and quiet she becomes invisible. It’s quite amusing pretending to look for someone who’s standing right in front of you.
4 she will run and hide behind a curtain and stand hiding in silence for at least 15 – 20 seconds while I pretend to look for her in different rooms or in the room she is in. What makes me laugh is she comes out from her hiding place and starts to help look for herself.