Rice crispy stars

Well i say stars they are more like splogies but the sentiment was there.  However they were really scrummy and the girls had loads of fun making them and i don't think they made it to the end of the day after they set.

The two Soph's had loads of fun mixing with their wooden spoons making sure that all the crispy's and marshmallows were swooshed about in the bowl .

We used white chocolate to bind all the dry ingredients and there was a Oooo from the girls including the mummies as the hot melted chocolate was poured into the bowl.  The mixing picked up pace as the girls excitedly got their spoons covered in crispys, mallows and chocolate.

Of course there was much quality control testing to be done as the mix exited the bowl to the pan.

Finally we got pans filled and the spoons and bowl were licked cleaned, and there was a question 
Do you think we added enough chocolate?  the answer was a resounding NO! so we melted some Milk chocolate and decorated the tops of the stars, decorate is such a strong word it was more Plop splodge as you can see from the pictures, but no one minded as it rather enhanced the taste.

After the rice crispy explosion in the kitchen the girls retired to the garden where Sophia daddy gave a rather exciting gymnastic display which impressed ALL the ladies, Sophie was quite taken and and wanted to try some of the moves herself under the instruction of her new found coach.

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