How does your garden grow February week 3

 Sunday and Sunshine at last as soon as we woke up we threw on some clothes and rushed out into the garden we even ate our breakfast out there we were so keen to get out in the sun.

Daddy had previously clean the greenhouse ready and Sophie got ready to plant our seeds sorting the trays and filling them up with soil ready for planting, we have another big project for the garden this year now our beach zone is finished but we will show you another week, but in preparation for the project Sophie is planting up lots of sunflowers and sweatpeas.

Daddy got busy weeding and turning our veg plots he also turned all the wood from our pear tree into kindle for this winter which is that massive pile you can see in the background,  we gave our pear tree a mega prune as you can see.

 Ella got her first introduction to gardening sitting on my chest and watch Sophie do the planting and watering and i can already imagine that next year i will have 2 helpers in the greenhouse.  We also found our first ladybug of the year snoozing in the fir tree and i suspect we might have a good year for them.

Mammasaurus and How Does Your Garden Grow?


  1. Aww looks lovely and a real family effort :) xx #hdygg

  2. Ella looks so fascinated with what you're doing! #HDYGG

    1. next year it will be her fingers in the soil im sure

  3. I love this planning stage this time of year! We have big plans for ours since the chooks turned most of it over to mud :( Would love fruit trees - one day. Love how your little ones are fully involved too :)

    1. i got sophie involved in the garden when she was ella size us girl have our own mini project this year

  4. i am so happy you all got some sunshine on sunday and made the most of it in the yard. i am excited for sweet peas!!

  5. Proof indeed that no baby is too young to start gardening!

  6. I got my hands dirty today for the first time this year. The weather here today in Maryland is beautiful but expecting more snow next week. Love ladybugs! Last year I bought 500 ladybugs and they did their job wonderfully.

    1. wow i cant believe you bought 500 ladybirds

  7. So nice on to have sunshine at the weekend wasn't it. We all were in the garden as well, and also saw a ladybird, it is very early for them, I was so surprised to see them. I just love sweet peas, hope they germinate soon.

  8. Ah, it's nice that everyone got involved with the gardening. We gave our crab apple tree a serious prune this year too, I'm hoping we'll get a bumper crop next year. Love the ladybird photo :)

    1. we did our apple tree last year and its springing back already

  9. Ahhh happy family time - and I love that we get to see you this week too! Such a nice way to spend a sunny weekend - just think of those fragrant sweet peas to come. Kitty spied a packet of sunflower seeds today in her bedroom that she was given last year and then squirrelled away so I suspect she'll be putting me to digging duty this weekend!

    Brilliant stuff and thank you so much for sharing and joining in. This isn't something we got to see this time last year as the linky wasn't running then so I'm really excited to see things growing over the months ahead! :)

  10. Love that you're all getting involved!
    And my first ladybird of the year, hurrah

    1. as soon as the sun is out we all run out

  11. Your never to young to start gardening!! :-)

  12. I am loving all these "the sun came out" posts! Happy Gardening! :)
