Pregnancy update, Chorionic villus sample

Pregnancy can be a difficult at times to say the least. The morning sickness which is starting to ease off at last and i'm in my second trimester.  The tiredness really frustrates me, my mind is whirling round the house wanting to clean or bake but the belly says no have a sleep, sit do nothing, i wouldn't mind but TV can be pretty darn awful and i have no motivation to craft.

Week 12 saw the first lovely scan of the new life that will soon hopefully join us but blood tests saw referrals to a specialist and further referrals for a Chorionic villus sample.  A CVS is where a fetal Dr needs to take a sample from the placenta to test for Downs, Edwards and other major chromosome abnormalities generally offered to those who have a high risk inherited conditions, previous problems with chromosome abnormalities.  A needle is inserted through the stomach and down into the placenta where they remove samples.  With a CVS there is a 1-2% risk of miscarage so this wasn't a decision we went through lightly. 

 Week 13 Ali was working away in Germany and and i had to go for the CVS without him and my midwife that said she would kindly come was ill and i had another midwife i had never met come kindly along to support me,  As i lay on the table the fetal specialist prodded and poke and i did my best to focus my mind some where else other than the large needle coming my way.  However there was a problem with the position of the placenta meaning i had to wait a week for it the grow and move.  I was so relieved as going through this without my rock hubby just felt so wrong.  The following week came and Ali was with me and again the anticipation of the event was awful but not as bad as the actual needle going through me removing tissue and the sounds as they suctioned up 3 samples.  The pain was pretty bad and i was had a deep dark bruise for some weeks.  With Sophie i had an amniocentesis which is similar but later in pregnancy and takes samples from the amniotic fluid and was not as painful although i nearly passed out.  

Even though i nor Ali have any history of defects we did find it odd that we were called to have the procedure both times with Sophie and the new baby, and we have put it down to being older parents and are glad to have the extra eyes watching over us and making sure that the new bundle of trouble will be ok and has been checked out for any abnormalities. 

Results came through in two sets the first being the most important chromosomes downs and Edwards and the rest came through 2 weeks later.  Glad to say all was ok, well and was looking good. 

Also read out about
 photo belly.jpg


  1. Glad all is well... Hope your "blooming" stage starts shortly, I remember that tiredness, it's so draining! xx

    1. im blooming already and the baby is a wriggler just had the midwife chase it round for a doppler.
