How does your garden grow August

I haven't been in the garden to  much as Ella has rather demanding colic and im very tired and missing a lot of sleep however i ventured out a couple of times and the lavender is alive with a million bumble bees.  Im working on planting up a lavender double sided 5 meter path way over an arch of roses, lilac and clematis its coming on well but some of the smaller lavenders need to grow a bit to catch up with the larger ones.  I love lavender it is so pretty and the smell is so soothing and edible too below is a Lavender and honey ice cream i made the recipe if your interested is here.  I also make a lavender and amber soap which sells really well at the craft markets i go to.  

Im a bit miffed this year as only 1 of my dahlia's has come up so next year i plan to re-scape a part of the garden so i can control better how they grow as i think they are so cheery in the garden.  One thing that does well in my garden and takes very little effort are these lovely stocks that are still blooming well although some are starting to turn to seed now, i gathered these all in one zone around the bird table as the bright baby pink is so striking and gives cover to the bird table so the shy little birds come by and visit us 

Mammasaurus - How Does Your Garden Grow?


  1. Aww bless you Helen you must be shattered. Sounds like there's exciting times afoot with your arch, it will be wonderful. Lavender is beautiful and smells divine, even better with lilac and clemetis! I love your stocks :)

  2. Aw Helen, I hope she and you get some relief from the colic soon, it's a hard slog for sure. I love lavender and I saw a recipe the other day for a sparkling lavender drink and I thought of you. I bet your garden smells wonderful x

  3. Oh my I hope that the colic eases off soon, poor Ella and poor tiredy you.

    I love that bee shot - strange to think that I've always been scared of them until this year. I am odd though ;) Going to check out the icecream recipe as I'd love to do something productive with all the lavender that's in the garden! x

    Thanks and extra lot for joining in this week when you are so worn out x

  4. You are right, that is a cheery dahlia! It sounds as if your garden is a good retreat that cheers and calms you. I am going to have to try the sparkling lavender.

  5. Sorry to hear poor Ella has been so unwell. Hope she's picking up a bit! The stocks are gorgeous btw x

  6. Lavender and honey ice cream sounds amazing! Adding your recipe to my list of recipes try. It's good to hear you have so many bees in your garden, it seems to have been a good year for them this year.

  7. Bless you, I hope you have managed to get some sleep - colic is just wretched for them and for you. Beautiful capture of the bee - I adore Lavender too, and will pop and see that recipe xx

  8. love the bumble bee picture and it looks as though he is enjoying the lavender!
