Snow Day

Snow has finally come and Sophie and daddy couldn't wait to go out to play our first day of snow gave us 4 inches of snow and we are promised another 3 in a few days.

There was much fun with snow balls flying up and down the garden a then later Sophie flying up and down the garden in her sleigh, testing it out before daddy took her to Ivinghoe beacon to a massive hill which they both went flying down at high speed much to the delights and squealing of daddy.  

 The Snow was a bit icy as we didnt get to go out on the first day of it falling and this made it difficult for rolling snow and making a nice big snow man, but a couple of buckets came in handy as the pair started on making the snowman a igloo to live in.


  1. Looks like great fun to me! It's supposed to last for a few more days too isn't it? :)

  2. yes we still have a few flurries coming down now so pretty that is until it turns to that horrid black slush
