Natural History Museum

This weekend saw us brave taking Sophie for her first trip into London, Sophie was thrilled to take a long ride on a choo choo train and was even more impressed when we said we were taking her on another ride on another that went under ground.

We took Sophie to one of our fond childhood memories of the wonderful Natural History Museum, a fantastic place with lots of natural curiosities to see and best of all the museum is interactive just perfect for a small inquiring mind.  The queue was long as the museum is free and we waited 30 mins to get in but we were entertained by looking at the grand architecture of the building and looking at all the gargoyles that were guarding the building.
  Sophie Couldn't believe her eyes as we walked through the door and saw the giant dinosaur that greeted us  as we walked in.

She was amazed at every corner a new dinosaur was ready to jump out at her and her favorite was the prehistoric dolphin.

We climbed what seemed to me a 5 month pregnant lady a million steps and i wondered if i would ever make it up to the top but when we did we got to see the beautiful paneling on the ceiling as well a 4000 year tree slice.
While we were up in the gods Sophie was really keen to see all the cases of treasure in a huge room of glass cases full of geological samples including a rather impressive collection of diamonds.
For little active fingers there were plenty of buttons and things to create and see which Sophie had a lot of fun interacting with.  There were even plenty of bugs and creepy crawlies and a close escape from a giant scorpion. 
After a fab lunch we were refueled to take on the mammals and we got to see a full size Blue whale as well as many other mammals such as horses, tigers and deer. 

There really was so much to see and we didn't get to see the whole museum but what we did astounded Sophie and left enough for another visit and adventure another day.


  1. You can see how much she enjoyed it in the photographs! One of my favourite museums! :)

  2. I've always wanted to visit London. The museum looks nice.

  3. it really was fab well worth a visit
