Potty trainning week one

Ok so we have decided or rather Sophie has given us the sign she is ready for potty training.

She is two and four months and I know there are kids that are clean already and some still won't be even as each child is different, but we let her lead us for when she felt confident to make the journey.

In the past she has been extremely embarrassed about doing her poos and hides away and then claims that she has done no poo and it's gone, even though the stench of baby poop lingers around her making poor mum and dad pass out and fight over who has to change her.

I kind of blaim myself for her hiding away antics. I really can't handle the smell of baby poo most of the time it's not to bad but some times I swear an evil stench demon has ripped a hole from the underworld directly to her nappy and I'm left with my face less than a foot from my beautiful daughters bum covered in muck that's spread up her back down her legs and in ever crease and crevice possible that I have to use a whole pack of wipes to get her clean and wonder if washing her upside down in the shower would be better.

If I was in the show I'm celebrity get me out of here I would get the smelling task as they always seem to give the celeb the thing they fear most as their task. ( Not that im a celeb )The point is I gag really easily, not just your polite swallow and heave your chest in sort of whoops I gagged. I have a really bad gag reflex i am a full on gagger with retching noises backing up, watering eyes and in some cases have actually thrown up while on nappy changing duties. Babies don't poop flowers! and I have no idea where this stench came from? When it went in it was home made loveliness stirred with love but coming out I almost think the end of the world is coming. So I guess seeing mummy trying to change nappies with out covering her daughter in vomit must have left a lasting impression on her.

So now we are at week 1 day 1 we have had a success of a poo in a potty from sitting with daddy in the bathroom each on their prospective throwns doing squeeze faces and noises at each other. She was clearly delighted with the results of a brown nugget in her pink potty and thrilled that her perants cheers and clapped for her.

The next day mummy took her shopping for another potty so we had more to hand as well as some nice new big girl knickers in the form of trainning pants. Oh my gosh trainning knickers are not cheap, after spending £40 on knickers, talk about lingerie for toddlers, well you would think at those prices, even my pants don't cost that much. We went home to try them on...

Sophie rushed to show daddy her new pants and I went to put on the kettle, before it had even finished boiling she had wet them, so a explanation as to use the potty and put a fresh pair on her and 30 mins later another wet pair. I had only got 6 pairs of knickers !!! After 3 hours all 6 pairs of knickers were wet or pooed in and each time no effort to get to the potty was made or worry about soiled briefs. Even though through this 3 hour period we had at least 20 asks would you like to go to potty and trys on the potty with very firm nos after trying.

I'm at a loss as to what to do as i see a viscous circle wet pants and hiding continuing.  So tell me experienced mums how did you get into potty trainning ? do you have any stories ?


  1. I remember my daughter making a puddle whilst in the first throws of potty training. When I stupidly said (to lighten the mood) 'have you had an accident' she proudly replied 'no mummy I did it on purpose'

  2. Lol you have a smart cookie there

  3. We used to let Niamh go naked for an hour before her bath and leave the potty out. One day she just went and peed on it on her own, so we decided to start training her then. It only took 3 weeks for her to stop having accidents. She was about 2 and a half I think.

  4. I didn't bother with training pants. I went to Primark and bought about 40 odd pairs of regular knickers for Ruby. I put them on her, and had a few weeks of the potty being with us wherever we were in the house. At first she needed a lot of coaxing and me just telling her she was sitting on the potty, or taking her every half hour or so. Hell, I even sat on her potty and did a wee, the things we do to teach our kids!

    I won't deny we had a LOT of accidents, but we got the eventually. She was dry in the day by 2 years 9 months, and dry at night just before she turned 3.

    My advice is to be consistent, commit to the potty training and grit your teeth and smile through the accidents, even when it seems like its been done on purpose.

    Good luck!

  5. Hi Sue and Steph thanks for your tips im going to take your advice keep plugging on i like that be consistent tip as today she went to nursery and i let her go in a nappy and then didn't bother this afternoon so i will work on being more consistent with her but she has taken to throwing the potty behind the sofa when i ask her to sit on it and says potty what potty gone!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ah, the ups and downs of potty training! I think my little girl was the same age as yours is now when I started it with her. I thought training pants might confuse so I put my little girl straight into 'big girl pants'. I think it helped her realise when she'd had an accident because she would be obviously wet and she got used to them very quickly (within a week). However, we also used a reward chart system and I think that helped too!

  8. P.S - sorry about the 'deleted comment' thing above. I had a typo in my comment so removed it, corrected and re-posted. It was nothing sinister, I promise!

  9. Lol no prob chez mummy I'm coming round to your thinking of getting big girl pants I too think Sophie is confused by the trainning pants which is a bit rubbish as they were expensive and now I have to fork out for loads of pairs of normal pants

  10. Helen Sarah as just started to get Harrison clean and he shall be 4 in April. He just wasnt ready to do it, now he loves wearing pants like his big brother Tommy. I dont think it pays to false the child in to something they are not ready to do. I found potty training the most hardest thing to do. good luck x

  11. First few days or weeks you just have to expect a lot of wet pants - agree ordinary pants better in the end than training pants.

    Thanks so much for sharing at the Friday Baby Shower - Alice x

    1. your welcome and it was a pleasure :) xx
