Feathered Owls

Sophie and i decided to do some sticking today and a bit board of random bits of paper and glue we thought we would stick feathers instead.

Instead of paper we found these pots, what a great shape for making owls, so we got the glue out and got sticking.

We started with the small pot and the stuck the feathers round the edge one by one the size of the pot was quite good as 1 feather covered top to bottom on it.  Next we had to cover the top so we picked the fluffiest ones for the head and carefully stuck these on too.
Of course we hunted out our biggest roundest googly eyes and stuck these on with a little yellow beak.  Sophie did a good job and mummy didn't get much of a go so made one to out of the bigger pot with Sophie's help, so now we have a mummy and baby owl.  
We also had some coloured feathers and for fun we made a parrot (ish) bird this time we stuck the feathers pointing the other way up.  he looks rather odd but fun and i think we prefer the Owls 

 photo frogbutton.jpg


  1. Looks like fun :) Sophie sure does some clever stuff with clever mummy :) xx hope you are both well

  2. Oh my word, they are the cutest things ever!!! I love them :) x

  3. Those are amazing! Mister Maker eat your heart out!

  4. Oooh these are too cute :-)

    Found you via LAB!

    PS Fancy joining my link up party?!?!? http://www.redtedart.com/2012/01/11/valentines-whoopie-pies-recipe/

  5. they are very cute!

    (and very up maggie's street!)

  6. Wow! These are fabulous! What a great idea x
