Bug hotel

 Sophie is really a nature girl, she is not the sort to shy away from a spider but rather pick it up and give it a hold and I am always catching her chasing frogs and toads about the garden.  So we thought with out new garden we needed to attract some insects and give her a little project.  So after searching out some old pallets we got her busy with Daddy setting about making one amazing bug hotel.
 Not only did we want to get bugs but we made the lower floor a hedgehog home and two mouse bedrooms from broken flower pots.   This is one of our beds we cut and although it looks very bare in early spring by summer everything if fighting for space making it a great wilderness to hide among.
 After careful cutting to make the different pallets fit together they were stacked in their final home under the willow tree, and we started to decorate them.
 Collecting bamboo canes together and bundles of sticks and drilling holes in logs as well as gathering pinecones and hay for all the different levels finally the rooms on the multi level were complete.
 We didn't forget the roof and went for something a bit different to give any hungry bees something to eat as they emerge and made a flowering alpine roof top garden all complete with wild jungle animals.

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