A table for Christmas

Previously we all crowded round the kids small pink ikea plastic table for dinner, looking back i cant believe we did that for 5 years.  Christmas was difficult and i would pop up my craft table for the big day and try and make it look as festive as i could for a craft table.

 We are in our new house and this house we actually have a dinning table, hooray. So for our first year i want to make a bit of a sing song about eating round a lovely table with those i love so much, so i have been planning our table for the big day.  Sparkles and twinkle was my theme and i found these lovely silver beaded mats and runners, a pair of silver candle stick holders with candles to light to add a nice light. I also have a frozen berry wreath and placed a woodland poesy in the center of it to create a center piece and wrapped these in twinkly lights too, and just because you can't have to much sparkle at Christmas i found these crackled silver tea light holders to light. I also went with a white table cloth as i had silver settings to help lift and create lightness

 Many of you can guess i love Christmas and i wanted something special over the table beautiful baubles shouldnt just be lost in Christmas trees and there are so many different designs out there i just wanted to show some off, so i made a chandelier to hang over our table from a tree branch and hung some of the prettiest from the branches.  What do you think is it effective ?

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