Busy Tuesdays

Phoor i am feeling a bit out of sorts today i hope im not coming down with anything.  As usual i am up with the larks seeing as Sophie has taken to getting up from anywhere from 5 - 7 am but mostly 6 am, i think it must be a summer time thing that makes all the children wake up at the crack of dawn with all that day light even though Sophie has black out curtains.  A lot of mums seem to be complaining about the same thing and looking like the army of the walking dead from the lack of sleep and energetic children running rings around them.

9am and a good friend pops in for a cuppa before we both head off to music class for 10 am followed but a good 2 hour play date after wards.  Making the babes very tired and a tad grumpy, well at least for my Sophie and something has changed in her within the last 2 weeks.  She has gone from being a very sharing girl to a girl who now knows that the toys in our house are hers and no one can touch them, leaving a few scuffles between her and her little friends and a fare few tantrums to boot.  Strangely the terrible twos hit on the day of her 2nd birthday, what a lovely present, who sent that and is there a receipt.  But  a bit of patience and explaining and a lot of snot blown bubbles from a  red faced Sophie and she soon calms down as quickly as she blows up, that is until 20 mins later when another one of her toys has been touched.

Finally the lunch time nap and i get an hour and half of piece, so decide to whip up a batch egg and sausage pies, a kind of cross between a quiche and a pie.  I never made Sausage and egg quiche before, and had always gone for the traditional bacon that was until Ali's mum made us one and it was nice so decided to try sausage in my own version.  Ali's Mum was also very kind and brought down from Norfolk some delicious free range eggs from her friends hens.

Mmm these eggs are so nice the yolks very rich in colour and taste, so with a waste not want not mentality i turned all the eggs into my sausage and egg pies where i have caramelised red onion and fresh thyme that i grew this year from the garden.  I dont think they turned out too bad and they will feed my freezer nicely for a night when i just cant be bothered to cook. we had better eat them soon as Ali hates to eat things like this in Autumn and winter.

Sophie finally woke and i mangaed to cram a sandwich in her and change her ready for another play date, at Scarlett's house, there were 5 little girls in total and Scarlett's clever mummy had set up cookie decorating with loads of ginger bread men, smarties, jelly tots and more sprinkles to make any little girls eyes wide.  Sophie got stuck in and bit the head and feet off her man before all the girls got started. Sophie is sharp as a tack as always realised if she decorated her cookie then licked all the toppings and sweeties off she could have another go A for initiative there.  After this there was Painting and then much running around the garden, looking at Scarlett's Guinea pigs called Peppa and George how amusing. 

We headed home after a while as i was still feeling a tad squiffy and had a nice soothing cuppa tea before it was feeding time at the zoo, since Sophie's birthday she now seems to thing that all meal times should consist of cake and sweeties, and very often i am yelled at with the word CAKE! over and over again and trying to get her to eat normal food has proven a backwards task where she will now only eat her dinner if hand fed by her mummy.... she is such a demanding little Napoleon, i had just bought her, her very own dinning table and chairs as well.  I will have to work on reversing this maybe a week of gruel from a bucket and she will appreciate the good home cooking again. 

After dinner for Sophie and play.  Daddy and i get the our lovely new tent out to practice putting up.  It is a canvas bell tent we got from the kind and lovely people from Soul pad. We love this tent and think it is a very romantic style of idealist camping, its so huge and spacious inside and feels like a cathedral compared to many other tents on the market.

After this i need to organising some large bags, as i plan to go out with Scarlett's mummy to go scrumping for some plums from a ladies garden who has 8 plum trees as her trees are heavily with fruit, i hope Emma has permission but if not what would one person do with 8 full trees of plums.

When i get back daddy has tried to put Sophie to bed but she is screaming the roof down as she is so excited about the tent and Ali is grumberling like a bear as he wants his dinner even though its made already, silly thing.  Sophie is so super charged about the tent she wont sleep till 10pm which is really out of character for her as she is usually asleep by 7pm in the end i resort to giving up on the day grab Sophie and take her up into  the main bed and cuddle her to sleep in the hopes of calming the wild thing down.  i wonder what tomorrow will bring, i hope i dont get sick i have to much to do.  

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