Cutting our first bed

So we have a rather large green space with little in it which is great for us to make it as we want.  At the bottom of the garden is a willow from the neighbour that bows over and Sophie hides here as a little monster to jump out at us.

We decided to cut our first bed here, and to keep Sophie's hide out we have used some large slabs for her to hop about across the bed.
 Once the bed was cut we started the planting which took ages as we planted a huge amount of bulbs plus 100 bare root wallflowers, plus hostas and a bird bath with alpines.  I can not wait to see if all the hard comes together in Spring

Were we live has great vintage shops and i could help picking up these old tools, i find that buying the new ones from teh garden centers only seem to last a year or 2 before the fork spikes bend or the handles fall off, they sure did make tools built to last in the old days, which is why i got these and they have been hard at work since we got them.

Whilst we were working on the bed our neighbour came home from work helicopter!!! 

 Finally with all the plants in i'm now scratching my head as to how to water it all, as it is so far away from anything.  So we started another project after this one where we have bought 130 meters of hose and are pumping water from rain buts to give this lot a good soaking.


  1. Your bird bath with alpine plants looks fantastic and the terracotta colour works so nicely with the greens. Totally agree with you on the old tools, I'm always bending my trowels from the garden centre, it's infuriating!!

    1. i think i might have to bring the bird bath in over winter incase frost cracks it, i also have a sneeking thought that i might have to bring the alpines to shelter too as the winter wet might make them rot oh well....

  2. Your bird bath with alpine plants looks fantastic and the terracotta colour works so nicely with the greens. Totally agree with you on the old tools, I'm always bending my trowels from the garden centre, it's infuriating!!

  3. I love the Willow - the perfect is so true about garden tools - my brother has my late Dad's favourite spade, still going strong decades later!

    1. yes i have been fed up spending hard earned cash on tools for them to break

  4. I am really looking forward to seeing how you will develop your blank canvas of a garden. It is fantastic to be able to make it your own x #HDYGG

    1. me too ... it is such a bonus to have the space to do as we please

  5. Oh my its going to look super fab come Spring time! I've never planted bulbs at this time ready for Spring until now - I do hope it'll all be worth it! I love what a huge space you have - and how it;s a real family area Helen.
    Old tools really are the best aren't they?

    Thanks for joining in again, I'm loving seeing what you are doing to all your room!

    1. i hope spring time will be blooming marvelous and of course there will be pictures if they bloom or not fingers crossed for blooms

  6. What a wonderful corner to transform. And yes I'm another of the fans of your bird bath and alpines!!!

  7. Well who is your neighbour?! How exciting- that AND a new bed. Looking forward to seeing how it all develops.
