Wet day at Waddesdon

The weather man says its raining but we don't want to hear no complaining we sure the sun will shine!!

Ok so it is raining not any sort of pitter patter full on drowning cats and dogs, so what do you do ??  Well if you lived with us you would pack up a picnic and head for Waddesdon!!  Yes we are full on hardcore no thunderstorm will stop us having fun and oh yes there was THUNDER!! so after laying out the picnic under a tree (dumb arses sheltering under a tree in a thunder storm snacking on scotch eggs and strawberries) the rain got worse that our french stick got soggy enough to pack away.  However my Hubby got his priorities in place as i packed away and covered the baby he grabbed the cheesy Doritos and covered them under his brolly.

After a good hour and half being soggy and wet the sun finally decided it would make an appearance and we got to explore the garden if you remeber my post from a few weeks ago these flower beds looked like this we are always so bowled over at the amount of hard work and pleasure go into the amazing gardens.

 This picture just blew my mind how many hours went into planting tiny water leeks into this massive flower bed to create this picture.

I find these beds completely inspiring and we are sad to move away and not to enjoy them any more.

 We went for a walk along Ferdinands walk.  can you spot what is walking about in the lower picture i was cross i left my zoom in the boot of the car.

 It really is great to get out in all the open spaces and run around, exploring finding new things.  Look at this whopping tree trunk we found.
My nature wild thing, loves pine cones and there was no shortage of them we got to see the new cones for this year young green and sticky (is it me or does that sound like a good description for teenage boys) There seems to be a good crop of cones this year.
I love this picture even though she is almost 5 i see a beautiful young woman growing here and its hard to remind myself that she is still so young.
 Time for Sophie to give daddy his exercise time playing frisby and running around playing chase and running races.

The poor old thing was proper pooped and needed a nap just wait till that baby has grown a bit to also run about.  
It rained we didnt care we had a great time, the sun came out eventually and made good for the day, we will miss Waddesdon.

 photo froghighlights.jpg


  1. We were out and about on Sunday and the heavens opened. My friend was diving for cover and I wasn't bothered so ended up standing in the rain when there wasn't enough space under the shelter (yeah the pregnant lady was stood in the rain lol). Then again the other day it rained after being really muggy all day and I stood outside. It was sooo good!!!

  2. Absolutely LOVE this post and what stunning photos too. Do you know I've never seen the formation of pine cones and that photo you took is fabulous. Also..helicopter leaves are the.best.thing.EVER! haha! Epic childhood memory right there! Anyways, regardless of the wet weather, it didn't dampen your fun thats for sure! Thanks for linking up with #MMWBH xx

  3. Beautiful photo's and such a lovely setting.It looks like you all had a great day despite the weather, lovely to read such an interesting post. This is my first link up with #MMWBH as I have just started my blog this week, so great to read lots of different posts x

  4. Yes! No need to stay indoors when it rains. I need to buy Eli an all over suit so we can venture out in all weathers :-) Looks like you had lots of fun. I like your lovely pictures :-)

    1. they say there is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothes

  5. Awww so nice there! And you have a bonus as you were able to enjoy the place in 2 weather =P

    Their garden is awesome too. Makes me wish I can go and visit this place as well. #MMWBH
