Easter 2016

Easter time once more and its great having Ella just a little bit bigger and joining in a lot more.

 Every year we have a hunt in our garden and we use the plastic eggs and fill them with treats and the girls go hunt for them around the gardens, and we use nests and they each get a large egg container as the prize one plus plenty of golden eggs to find along the way.  I found 2 eggs 2 weeks later as I was out mowing or moving things around that they had not found and I forgot I hid. 

Baker ross Spring

We love nature treasure as you know and we have these wonderful lotus heads from Baker Ross, and think they look pre historic so we couldn't wait to make a dinosaur landscape for all our dinosaurs to roam around on.

after school fun with decoupage farm animals we are going to take the rest up to our youth club and see what the children there can do too.

 May day fun and we made these lovely bracelets and added our own bells and beads
we also got to paint some lovely natural bamboo leaves with these fab florescent powder paints which we are now a firm convert on