
Selfie of the week March 25th

I love reading everyone blogs and it occurred to me while reading them that we often see lots of lovely pictures of children having fun,but rarely see the author of all these wonderful family stories as they are often behind the camera.  So i thought i would share a moment, of the author of this blog a snap of what is going on in life of mum.

If you have a selfie of whats going on in your world from any time this week feel free to share your moment below

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My Sunday Photo Prancing pony

OneDad3Girls TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky Weekly Top Shot #98
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Siblings growing together

March is here a mixed bag of weather, this weekend we were lucky for sun and the trampoline went up we were a bit worried about Ella going in the trampoline with Sophie but it was all good and the girls were laughing like mad as Sophie did mini bouncing springing Ella up and down.


dear beautiful  photo frogbutton.jpg

How does your garden grow March week 3

The weather has changed back to grey and cold and the weekend promises rain, so i headed to the greenhouse with my new lens, which as you will see im learning to use.

This Daff is such an insane yellow it looks like i have colour balanced it really badly but i promise i have not colour balanced any pictures here

Cue the the Barry White music as there is a lot of ladybird love action going on in our garden i cant believe how shiny these shells are you can see me taking the picture of the lovebugs

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Mammasaurus and How Does Your Garden Grow?  photo frogbutton.jpg photo mum and sleeping baby.jpg