
Boozy fruit time

Its that time of the year where we start thinking towards Christmas and that i really need to get the boozy fruit on ready for Christmas cakes.  

 This year i wont be making a Xmas pudding as i made two last year and we will be trying the second this year which still looks perfect I'm glad to see.
 This year Sophie is big enough to really help make the fruit and in fact she pretty much did it all by her self
 After mixing up 100g of sugar and melting it in a 100g or water Sophie got busy tipping all the fruit into the big sour dough pot we keep especially for soaking Christmas fruits.
 This year we choose sour cherries over cranberries for fun and a nice kick in taste, currents, raisins and dates which is a base staple and a vine fruit mix we found in Waitrose and we choose the because it had some of the biggest reddest berries in it even the raisins were enormous,  the fruit mix was made of Jumbo crimson raisins, jumbo Chilean flame Raisins, cape raisins and Orange river Sultans, just reading this made our mouths water and i think our Christmas cake with be pretty special this year and generous in fruit.
After emptying the liqueur cupboard into the fruit we did the family tradition of everyone having a stir and making a wish for the new year.  I think Sophie is wishing for lots of presents.


  1. It can't seriously be that time of year already???

  2. Oh yes it really is sorry didn't mean to freak you out ;)
